This Letter to the Editor was submitted by Natalie Smith of Hobbs, Member of the Lea County Progressive Club.
Now that The Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Healthcare Freedom Act is closer to being signed into law by our governor, people seeking reproductive and gender-affirming healthcare services will enjoy more protections.
Specifically, these bills, known as HB 7 and SB 13, will prohibit public bodies like hospitals and local municipalities from denying services or imposing obstacles for people seeking reproductive and gender-affirming healthcare. Contrary to extremists’ uproar, The Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Healthcare Freedom Act will not obligate any employee in the public sector, for example teachers or school nurses, to perform or render such services, especially since most of them are unqualified to do so in the first place.
Rather, the quality of life for our community will improve because public institutions will be held accountable for ensuring that unbiased, science-based, life-saving care is available to vulnerable populations.
When people are denied reproductive and gender-affirming healthcare, they are at a greater risk for experiencing depression and suicidality. Aside from serious emotional and psychological distress, people denied reproductive and gender-affirming healthcare also risk lasting physical trauma to their bodies and even death.
Given the severity of these consequences, which are easily prevented by increasing access to services as basic and noninvasive as counseling, this bill aims to reduce suffering for people who are making the most intimate and consequential decisions of their lives. Just like everybody else, they deserve privacy, respect, high-quality affordable healthcare, and, if requested, community support, which will be unhindered thanks to laws like The Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Healthcare Freedom Act.