Tia Duerrmeyer July 15, 2023
Luz "Lucy" Gonzales

On Monday, July 10, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Special Agents with assistance of the Lea County Drug Task Force (LCDTF) and Lea County Sheriff’s Office Deputies “…conducted a joint operation of a controlled delivery of a FedEx box containing approximately 2 pounds of cocaine” to a residence in Lovington, states a LCDTF press release.

During their investigation that took place before the “joint operation” was conducted, agents learned that Maria De La Luz Gonzalez (aka Lucy Gonzalez), 41-years-old of Lovington, “…asked to have a package delivered to the Lovington address depicted in the package.”

LCDTF agents first learned of the package a week earlier on Monday, July 3. On that day HSI special agents informed LCDTF staff that a FedEx package containing approximately two pounds of cocaine had been intercepted by law enforcement in Miami, Florida.

“The package was mailed from Columbia to a residence in Lovington, NM,”states the press release.

During their “joint operation” on July 10, Ms. Gonzalez was informed that “the package had arrived” and that it “would be outside waiting for her on the front porch”.

When Ms. Gonzalez arrived at the residence to collect the package, she was detained and interviewed in reference to a “narcotics investigation”.

At the conclusion of their preliminary investigation, LCDTF agents “arrested and charged” Ms. Gonzalez with “Possession with intent to trafficking (2F) 30-31 20,” states the press release.

LCDTF agents tested the suspected cocaine in the package using the Tru-Narc system. The substance came back positive for cocaine. Weight was 1.8655 pounds (846 grams). Total estimated value of the substance is $30,000 – $32,000.

This investigation remains ongoing, and the Lea County Tribune will update the public with additional information as it becomes available.

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