Tia Duerrmeyer October 26, 2021
Main St Construction Ahead sign

The one-mile reconstruction of US 82 (Main Street) in downtown Lovington is underway. This means delays and detours for motorists and maybe a little bit, or even a lot, of frustration. Extra time and extra inconvenience are required now, but when the project is complete, the result will be well worth all the bother – a much more user friendly, safer and beautiful Lovington Main Street for all to enjoy.

The Project

The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) project is addressing numerous issues that have been problems for a long, long time, mainly deteriorating asphalt, poor drainage and the need to improve curbs and sidewalks which will include handicapped access. The price tag of this significant undertaking is estimated at $21,000,000. 

According to a NMDOT press release (PDF), weather permitting, the project will take about two years to complete and is between mileposts 171 and 172 on Main Street in downtown Lovington. 

Motorists should prepare themselves for “lane restrictions” and “lane closures” Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am until 5:00 pm, throughout the entire construction period. Speed limits will be reduced and detours will be necessary. “Motorists are encouraged to use caution when driving through the work zone and obey all traffic signs.”

The Groundbreaking Ceremony and Its Speakers

Main St Construction Groundbreaking Ceremony

NMDOT hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the US 82 Main Street reconstruction project a couple of weeks ago on October 6. In addition to local officials, contractors, partners and community members, New Mexico Cabinet Secretary Michael Sandoval, District Two Engineer Francisco Sanchez, Executive Director of Highway Operations Rick Padilla, Lovington Mayor David Trujillo, State Representative Randall Pettigrew and State Senator Stuart Ingle were all in attendance.

“The DOT is extremely proud of this project, said District Two Engineer Francisco Sanchez.” It’s going to address a lot of the problems here in downtown Lovington.” 

Executive Director Padilla echoed Sanchez’s comments, stating that the DOT is super excited about amazing projects like the one in Lovington. “They change the way cities like Lovington can operate,” he said.

Lovington Mayor David Trujillo was next to address the crowd.  He commented that the actual starting of the improvement project had been talked about so much with no date set that in the past he didn’t know what to say. “One thing about Lovington, we talked about this Main Street, Main Street, when is this going to get done. After a while I didn’t  know. I was running out of answers or excuses.”  Now that the project is a reality, the mayor is delighted. 

Mayor Trujillo  also remarked that the DOT is doing a few things to improve Lovington in addition to the Main Street project. “They were looking at some items that needed a few band-aids,” he said. Examples are resurfacing of Avenue E towards the railroad tracks, as well as some on Jackson Avenue.

The reconstruction project offers many challenges to local businesses, and Mayor Trujillo wants all to know that meetings will be organized and steps will be taken to assure that they are not negatively affected. 

State Representative Randall Pettigrew was next to speak. He addressed the importance of safety. “Nothing like this just happens,” he said, pointing out that talk about this project has been going on since before 2016. “But this project was in people’s minds years before that,” he said. Representative Pettigrew, then, clarified that it is the people at the DOT who decide how to best allocate funds at any given time. Without the support of the DOT, the project simply would not be a reality.

“I pray, ask that every time something irritates you about this project, that you take a minute, take a day, before you call and complain about it, unless it is just a huge safety issue. Please be patient. We’re constructors. We have a hell of a team.” 

Representative Pettigrew then brought perspective to the project, “We’re going to be happy with it at the end. We’re not going to be happy as we’re going through this. But please take a minute before you decide to just call somebody and yell at them.” He, then, reminded everyone that the goal is to build the best possible road following all safety guidelines to assure no one is injured during the construction process. The road must meet “the safety guidelines that we need to keep moving Lovington forward.”

State Senator Stuart Ingle (Rep) summed up everything perfectly. The updated road is “going to make a huge difference to Lovington, New Mexico. We are truly the cash register of this state right here.” 

Up to the minute information about the project can be found at nmroads.com.

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