Tia Duerrmeyer February 3, 2022
Alexis Avila interview

The Hobbs Police Department has released the video of its first interview with Alexis Avila – the 18-year-old mother who tossed her newborn into a dumpster located behind Rig Outfitters and Home Store in Hobbs on January 7. 

The video was aired on ABC Big 2 News on January 28.

Avila Confesses 

During the interview with police, Avila confesses that she threw the newborn into the dumpster. Originally, referring to the child as “it”, Avila tells authorities that she panicked. 

“’I was in a panic and I didn’t know what to do. I was scared,’” Avila says during the interview. 

Avila Denies Knowing of Her Pregnancy 

Earlier in a January 10 joint press conference among the City of Hobbs, the Hobbs Police Department and the Hobbs Fire Department, Acting/Interim Hobbs Police Chief August Fons reported that Avila told police that she didn’t know that she was pregnant until January 6, the day before she gave birth. 

Avila’s story now has changed somewhat. According to the Big 2 News broadcast, she told police that she took two pregnancy tests in August. One was positive, and one was negative; she decided to believe the negative test. “’I just thought I was gaining weight. I was eating more, nothing changed,'” Avila states during the police interview. 

The Christian News Daily reports that one of Avila’s Hobbs High School friends, who wishes to remain anonymous, questions Avila’s claim that she was unaware of her pregnancy before January 6. In an interview with the UK’s Daily Mail, the friend said, “I heard her talk about being pregnant around late September, early October.”

It is further reported by the Daily Mail that Avila dropped out of school on December 17 and that the father of the child said that he knew about the pregnancy and that Avila had told him she had miscarried. 

What Avila Told Police About Her Actions 

When asked by police about her actions of throwing her newborn into the dumpster, Avila told detectives that her age of “18” contributed. “’I was in a panic. I just turned 18. It’s not like I’ve been 18 forever.”

Avila Asks if the Baby Is Okay 

During the interview with police, Avila shows a level of concern about the child. She asks if the baby is “okay”.

She, then, sighs with relief when the police detective responds, “Last I heard the baby was okay.” 

According to authorities, after first being treated in Hobbs and later in Lubbock, Texas, the baby, a boy, is now in good health and is at home with his father and extended family in Hobbs. 

What Folks Are Saying 

As the world watches, Lea County folks are speaking out, posting thought provoking comments about the incident at the Hobbs Police Department’s Facebook page

Amy Grado says, “I think at this point, so many emotions involved… anger, sadness rage — — please pray for ALL….

Gretchen Koether gives a thumbs up to the police. “Huge shout out to Hobbs PD and all who worked this case! This could not have been easy for any of you. Thanks for all of the hard work and long hours you all put in for this community.”

Yvonnie Valderaz comments that Avila is young and that “… many young ladies end up with post traumatic stress after giving birth. And it’s sad. Poor young girl probably didn’t have no family supportive [a supportive family].”

“Safe surrender any hospital or fire station or police office will take a baby no questions asked” states Kat Guevara.

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